Behavior Expectations

What are Behavior Expectations?


Positive Behavior Support (PBS) gives people a new way to think about behavior. PBS is based on understanding why problem behaviors occur - the behavior's function. This approach to behavior can occur on a school-wide level, in a specific setting, classroom, or with an individual student. PBS is the application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish positive school cultures. On an individual level, PBS uses functional behavior assessments to understand the relationships between a student's behavior and characteristics of his or her environment. The functional behavior assessment identifies multiple strategies to effectively reduce problem behavior including changing systems, altering environments, teaching skills, and focusing on positive behaviors. The PBS process results in the creation of effective intervention plans that will impede problem behaviors, teach new skills, and create support systems for the student.





On a school-wide level, PBS relies on accurate and reliable discipline referral data to understand the behaviors occurring across campus. An analysis of the data allows a school team to identify the problem areas, brainstorm interventions such as where and what to teach, reward the students exhibiting the expected behavior, and communicate findings to the staff, students, and families. The PBS process is a team-based approach that relies on a strong collaboration between families and professionals from a variety of disciplines regardless of the level implemented.

PBS provides a positive and effective alternative to the traditional methods of discipline. PBS methods are research-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance. PBS is consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which advocates the use of positive behavior interventions and school-based disciplinary strategies that reduce or eliminate the need to use suspension and expulsion as disciplinary options




"The positive in Positive Behavior Support means we give out rewards"
The positive refers to a change of focus from reactive, constantly pointing out what students did wrong (negatives), to proactive teaching and recognizing what children are doing right (positives). It refers to an overall change in the school climate to a learning environment where students and teachers feel appreciated, safe and respected. Rewards are used to assist staff in focusing on the positive.

"We will no longer punish children for inappropriate behavior"
PBS does not ignore inappropriate behavior. Consequences are more than "punishment". They are the actions that follow the inappropriate behavior and can either help to increase or decrease inappropriate behaviors. PBS views appropriate consequences as those that are effective in changing the student's inappropriate behavior. Schools plan for inappropriate behavior by matching the level of consequences to the severity of the problem behaviors and maintaining consistency across campus.


"PBS uses bribes to get children to behave"
Using a reward system is not the same as bribing a student to behave appropriately. A bribe is something offered or given to a person in a position of trust to influence that person's views or conduct. PBS acknowledges and rewards students for following school-wide expectations and rules. Appropriate behavior is acknowledged after it occurs. Rewards are earned, not offered as payoff in exchange for good behavior.

What are classroom expectations?

We expect students to respect each other, their school, and their teachers by:

Being on task in class

Completing all assignments

Cooperative learning experiences with classmates

What are our Classroom Responsibilities?

In our cluster, we use a token economy in which preferred behaviors are reinforced through the use of positive behavior stamps. Students earn stamps by displaying preferred behaviors and will be allowed to have a pick from the school Treasure Box. Every week students will be assigned jobs/responsibilities in the classroom community.

Clipboard Carrier (10):
One student brings clipboard between classrooms at transitions.

Table Cleaners (10):
Two students wipes tables down with wet wipes at the end of each class.

Floor Sweeper (10):
One student will use the broom to sweep the floor daily.

Dustpan Holder (10)
One student will hold the dustpan as the Floor Sweeper collects the dirt into the dustpan.

Teacher Assistant (10):
Student will pass out papers and place extras in the absent folder

 Board Cleaner (10):
Student will use paper towels and water bottle to clean board.

 Cubby Cleaners (10):
One student will wipe the cubbies out and one will organize the contents.
 Carpet Cleaner (10):
One student will vacuum the carpet at the end of the day.

Agenda Checker (10):
One student assists teacher in checking agendas for signatures and notes to teachers.
Student will keep track of signatures on chart on clipboard.

Messengers (10):
Two students bring papers to the front office or other teacher classrooms.

Line Leader (10):
One student leads the line in hallways and transitions.

Door Holder (10):
One student holds the door for the entire class.

Computer Care (10):
One student turns the computers on and off daily in addition to wiping the computer screens daily.
Essential Question (10)
Student reads the Essential Question Daily